its my last day of sch!!
its over..2005, my sec2 life is over. i nv noe if its great or glad..? sad or hopeless.? who noes...maybe we'll get more BONDED aft terms? i am kinda sorrie to all of my fellow classmates..i din manage to get em e class tee. i am also sorrie tt i din make myself truthfully useful 4 e end of e wk..i am too bothered w all e childish matters of relationships in class. this is also one of e point tt i couldnt stand e class. or..maybe...? aftall.. its all over..we'll ve to stand up again and face more challenges nxt yr!! all the best to my toopure classmates and !! i shall get class ee ready w a CLASS CHALET!!! anw..i wanna thx e class for "teaching" me how to control relationships and get away w cunning 'foxes'...! also a big thank to my FORM TEACHER!!